Fruit ice cream

Seems like summer is here.
Every day is hotter.So cold drinks,ice cream, sunglasses is something we really need ,oh yeah,and cute dresses..
I came home today and I bought me some bananas to eat,but then I came to an idea.If you want ice cream but you’re too lazy to go out and buy one and you have some fruits at home,you can make one as fast as you say cookie.

Today I had bananas and frozen strawberries.So I put the bananas into the freezer for a couple minutes. How much and which fruits you’ll use depends on how much ice cream you want and what you like.Put the fruits together and blend them.While you do the mixing add some milk and sugar.I used two spoons of sugar, ‘cuz the bananas and strawberries are already very sweet.The mixture becomes very sticky and thick.At the end you can put it in another bowl or cups and into the freezer for a couple hours.It all takes just a couple minutes,and you have ice cream that is very good and without some industrial colors and aromas.And it’s even cheaper.

ps. you can put some whole strawberries  

I just ate mine and it’s delicious.Try it! Little kids will love it.


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